Thursday, November 30, 2006

Invitation : The 4th Kamuswebid Gathering ASAP

Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:22 AM
Subject: [kamuswebid] Invitation : The 4th Kamuswebid Gathering ASAP

Hello Guys,

Here's another gathering of Kamuswebid. We're kindly request the
pleasure of your present for the following event that would be held on :
Day/Date : Friday, 01 December 2006
Time : 07.00 p.m. - finish
Venue : Dapur Sunda
Address : Kafe Tenda Semanggi Kawasan Niaga terpadu Sudirman lot 8 Jl.
Jendral sudirman. Phone (021) 528-9757

Estimated Budget : Personal account (IDR 50.000 / each person)
please pay the fee on the spot.

Don't miss this opportunity to meet, learn, and share each other member.
We wish you to come on the right time.

Please confirm your present by call or send short message to Tania at
+628561145051. ASAP...!!! : ) : )

So, dare to join us? We'll be happy to welcoming you at the event.

On behalf of the Moderators
Best wishes,

Agus Rahmat
Bobotoh On the Net
HP : 62-8159981306

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Finding Your Purpose

You most likely yearn to know your purpose in life. "How can I find my purpose? Is the question that I am asked most often. The questioner often elaborates on his or her dilemma by saying," I would be happier if I could be on purpose, but I just don't know what my purpose in life is." My response is that you come into this world with absolutely nothing. You will leave this physical world with exactly the same. All of your acquisitions and achievements can't go with you. Therefore, the only thing you can do with your life is give it away. You'll find yourself feeling purposeful if you can find a way to always be in the service of others.

Purpose is about serving. It's about taking the focus off of you and your self-interest, and serving others in some way. You build because you love to build. But you build to make others happy. You design because your heart directs you to. But those designs are in the service of others. You write because you love to express yourself in words. But those words will help and inspire readers. If you don't yet know your purpose, you'll continue to seek it throughout the various stages of your life.

Stop taking your life so personally, You can end any and all suffering by reminding yourself that nothing in the universe is personal. Of course you've been taught to take life very personally, but this is an illusion. Tame your ego, and absolutely free yourself from ever taking anything personally.

Keep these thoughts in mind, particularly when you feel lost or are unsure of your purpose: "My purpose is about giving. I'll direct my thoughts off of me, and spend the next few hours looking for a way to be of service to anyone or any creature on our endangered planet." This will bring you back to a realization that it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you're able to give. In order to fully give and be of service and ultimately feel purposeful, you must be able to say,"Yes," when you ask yourself," Do I really posses what it is that I wish to give away?"

Monday, October 30, 2006

INDONESIA: Global brands dominate shoe exports

30 October 2006| Source:

Top global sportswear brands Nike, Reebok and adidas monopolised Indonesia's shoe exports during the first half of the year, shoemakers association Aprisindo was reported by Antara as saying.

The three brands made up 90% of its total shoe exports – worth US$832.8m – in the first six months, Aprisindo said, marking an increase of 15.05% from last year.

Indonesia's top export market for footwear is the US, followed by the EU and Japan.

Fires leave Indonesia's neighbours fuming

Where there's fire there's smoke nearby … up the hazy river in Pontianak, Kalimantan.

Arijit Ghosh October 31, 2006
Where there's fire there's smoke nearby … up the hazy river in Pontianak, Kalimantan. Photo: AP

THREE years ago, Indonesian farmer Jamaluddin bin Busri bought a patch of forest on Sumatra island and put it to the torch. When the smoke cleared, he planted oil palms, betting prices would rise.

He was right. With palm oil up 20 per cent this year, farmers across Indonesia's archipelago are following his lead and burning vegetation to prepare for replanting.

They are burning so much that the ash and smoke from the fires have been threatening shipping in the Malacca Strait, the world's busiest maritime trade route, and closing local airports. The burning has also riled neighbours Malaysia and Singapore, as cities and tourist attractions disappeared beneath the haze.

"It is criminal negligence," says Lim Guan Eng, secretary-general of Malaysia's opposition Democratic Action Party, who protested to Indonesian diplomats in Kuala Lumpur on October 10. "They have threatened not only the lives of their own citizens, but the lives of innocent civilians in their neighbouring countries."

Satellite images this month showed at least 378 fires on Sumatra and Borneo, the worst since 1997-1998. Then, the Asian Development Bank estimated the regional cost of lost tourism and extra health-care costs at $US9 billion ($A11.7 billion).

An annual blight, the haze this year has been exacerbated by the El Nino weather pattern, which delays monsoons. The pattern will continue for six to eight months, says the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration in Washington.

Lim is demanding that Indonesia pay compensation for not doing enough to control the smoke surge. Clearing agricultural land by lighting fires was outlawed in Indonesia in 1967.

"Pointing fingers will not do any good," said Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, proposing a regional fund to help prevent fires.

Malaysian clinics reported a 30 per cent increase in respiratory illnesses this month, according to the Health Ministry. In Singapore, air quality was "moderate" to "unhealthy" from October 2-24, when some rain arrived.

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Indonesia was risking investor confidence and the credibility of the 10-member Association of South-East Asian Nations.

Indonesia and the Philippines are the only ASEAN countries that have not ratified a 2002 agreement to co-operate in preventing and extinguishing bushfires.

"We appreciate Indonesia is a poor country," said Lim, 45. "But the least they can do is to seek help from neighbouring countries."

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea Now

25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea Now  

Green tea has increasingly become a very popular drink worldwide because of its immensely powerful health benefits. It is extraordinarily amazing what green tea can do for your health. And if you're not drinking 3 to 4 cups of green tea today, you're definitely NOT doing your health a big favor.
Here Are The 25 Reasons Why You Should Start Drinking Green Tea Right Now:

1.    Green Tea and Cancer

Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E. This helps your body at protecting cells from damage believed to be linked to cancer.

2.    Green Tea and Heart Disease

Green tea helps prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering the level of cholesterol. Even after the heart attack, it prevents cell deaths and speeds up the recovery of heart cells.

3.    Green Tea and Anti-Aging

Green tea contains antioxidant known as polyphenols which fight against free radicals. What this means it helps you fight against aging and promotes longevity.

4.    Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea helps with your body weight loss. Green tea burns fat and boosts your metabolism rate naturally. It can help you burn up to 70 calories in just one day. That translates to 7 pounds in one year.

5.    Green Tea and Skin

Antioxidant in green tea protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause wrinkling and skin aging. Green tea also helps fight against skin cancer.

6.    Green Tea and Arthritis

Green tea can help prevent and reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Green tea has benefit for your health as it protects the cartilage by blocking the enzyme that destroys cartilage.

7.    Green Tea and Bones

The very key to this is high fluoride content found in green tea. It helps keep your bones strong. If you drink green tea every day, this will help you preserve your bone density.

8.    Green Tea and Cholesterol

Green tea can help lower cholesterol level. It also improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level.

9.    Green Tea and Obesity

Green tea prevents obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. If you are on a healthy diet, exercise regularly and drink green tea, it is unlikely you'll be obese.

10.    Green Tea and Diabetes

Green tea improves lipid and glucose metabolisms, prevents sharp increases in blood sugar level, and balances your metabolism rate.

11.    Green Tea and Alzheimer's

Green tea helps boost your memory. And although there's no cure for Alzheimer's, it helps slow the process of reduced acetylcholine in the brain, which leads to Alzheimer's.

12.    Green Tea and Parkinson's

Antioxidants in green tea helps prevent against cell damage in the brain, which could cause Parkinson's. People drinking green tea also are less likely to progress with Parkinson's.

13.    Green Tea and Liver Disease

Green tea helps prevent transplant failure in people with liver failure. Researches showed that green tea destroys harmful free radicals in fatty livers.

14.    Green Tea and High Blood Pressure

Green tea helps prevent high blood pressure. Drinking green tea helps keep your blood pressure down by repressing angiotensin, which leads to high blood pressure.

15.    Green Tea and Food Poisoning

Catechin found in green tea can kill bacteria which causes food poisoning and kills the toxins produced by those bacteria.

16.    Green Tea and Blood Sugar

Blood sugar tends to increase with age, but polyphenols and polysaccharides in green tea help lower your blood sugar level.

17.    Green Tea and Immunity

Polyphenols and flavenoids found in green tea help boost your immune system, making your health stronger in fighting against infections.

18.    Green Tea and Cold and Flu

Green tea prevents you from getting a cold or flu. Vitamin C in green tea helps you treat the flu and the common cold.

19.    Green Tea and Asthma

Theophylline in green tea relaxes the muscles which support the bronchial tubes, reducing the severity of asthma.

20.    Green Tea and Ear Infection

Green tea helps with ear infection problem. For natural ear cleaning, soak a cutton ball in green tea and clean the infected ear.

21.    Green Tea and Herpes

Green tea increases the effectiveness of topical interferon treatment of herpes. First green tea compress is applied, and then let the skin dry before the interferon treatment.

22.    Green Tea and Tooth Decay

Green tea destroys bacteria and viruses that cause many dental diseases. It also slows the growth of bacteria which leads to bad breath.

23.    Green Tea and Stress

L-theanine, which is a kind of amino acids in green tea, can help relieve stress and anxiety.

24.    Green Tea and Allergies

EGCG found in green tea relieves allergies. So, if you have allergies, you should really consider drinking green tea.

25.    Green Tea and HIV

Scientists in Japan have found that EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) in green tea can stop HIV from binding to healthy immune cells. What this means is that green tea can help stop the HIV virus from spreading.

Now, your health is in your hands. You know you're smart. So, start drinking three to four cups of green tea every day for a drug-free and healthier YOU!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Indonesia delays deployment of peacekeeping troops to Lebanon

The Associated Press
Published: October 9, 2006

JAKARTA, Indonesia Indonesia will delay its deployment of peacekeeping troops to Lebanon by one week for logistical reasons, a military spokesman said Tuesday.
In a related development, the country signed a euro 17.2 million (US$21.6 million) deal to buy 32 armored vehicles from French company Renault SA for use in Lebanon, said military Maj. Gen. Syafrie Syamsudin.
The decision to buy the vehicles angered some lawmakers at a time of rising poverty and unemployment and with crucial infrastructure projects stalled due to lack of funding.
The delay to the dispatch of Indonesia's 850-strong force is the second since Indonesia's confirmation in the mission was confirmed.
An advance team of 150 soldiers will now leave on Oct. 17, with the main body of the force leaving in the first week of November, said Rear Admiral Sunarto Syukronoputra.
Syukronoputra cited logistical reasons in Lebanon as the reason for the delay.
Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation and was quick to offer troops to the mission to enforce a cease-fire in the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah from July 12 to Aug. 14.

Indonesia detective jailed for receiving car from suspect

Published: October 10, 2006
JAKARTA, Indonesia Indonesia's former top detective was sentenced to
18 months in jail on Tuesday for receiving a luxury car from a
criminal suspect, a rare guilty verdict against a member of the
country's corruption-plagued police force.

The short sentence against Suyitno Landung may concern anti-graft
activists, however.

Head judge Sudarmadji said Landung received the car from a suspect in
a banking scandal in 2002.

Landung did not say whether he would appeal the verdict handed down by
the South Jakarta District Court.

State news agency Antara quoted him as saying during earlier trials
that he used the car for official police business, and as such it
could not be considered a bribe.

Police in Indonesia are notorious for receiving bribes to ignore
offenses, ranging from traffic violations to more serious crimes. But
few senior officers have ever been brought to trial for graft.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono won elections last year on vows to
fight corruption, which is endemic at all levels of government. While
the campaign has scored several victories, most analysts say it has so
far been only a partial success.

JAKARTA, Indonesia Indonesia's former top detective was sentenced to
18 months in jail on Tuesday for receiving a luxury car from a
criminal suspect, a rare guilty verdict against a member of the
country's corruption-plagued police force.

The short sentence against Suyitno Landung may concern anti-graft
activists, however.

Head judge Sudarmadji said Landung received the car from a suspect in
a banking scandal in 2002.

Landung did not say whether he would appeal the verdict handed down by
the South Jakarta District Court.

State news agency Antara quoted him as saying during earlier trials
that he used the car for official police business, and as such it
could not be considered a bribe.

Police in Indonesia are notorious for receiving bribes to ignore
offenses, ranging from traffic violations to more serious crimes. But
few senior officers have ever been brought to trial for graft.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono won elections last year on vows to
fight corruption, which is endemic at all levels of government. While
the campaign has scored several victories, most analysts say it has so
far been only a partial success.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Key Facts about Avian/Bird Flu

With all of the attention that avian flu, or "bird flu," is getting in the news, you may have questions and concerns about the condition and how it spreads. The following answers to some frequently asked questions, adapted from information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), may help.

What is avian flu?
There are many different types of influenza, or "flu," viruses. "Avian flu" refers to a strain of influenza that chiefly is found in birds, though there have been reports of some cases in humans. It's not the same as the flu that typically spreads among humans in winter months. But, it's similar in that there's a bird flu season each year, just as there is a regular flu season. And, there are strains that seem to be more dangerous than others. The current strain that's of most concern is the H5N1 virus, which spreads very rapidly among birds and has been reported, though rarely, in humans.

What types of birds carry avian flu?
Many types of birds carry the viruses that cause avian flu. Wild birds often carry these viruses in their small intestines, but rarely get sick from them. However, the virus is very contagious among birds. In particular, domesticated birds, such as turkeys, chickens and ducks, can get very sick and often die from avian flu.
How is it transmitted?

Infected birds shed the avian flu virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and feces. Other birds may become sick when they come into contact with these substances, or with surfaces that have been contaminated by them. Domesticated birds may become infected through close contact with infected birds, or from contaminated cages, water or feed. Less virulent strains may spread more slowly and go undetected. More virulent strains spread much more rapidly and are much more severe.

What causes avian flu in humans?
Most cases of avian flu infection in humans have resulted from direct contact with infected poultry, such as chickens, ducks or birds, or through contact with contaminated surfaces. There have been reports of the virus spreading from one person to another, but these cases are very rare, and transmission has not been seen to continue beyond one person. Because flu viruses are very adaptable, there is the possibility that the H5N1 virus could mutate into a virus that's more transmissible, which is why experts are watching it very carefully.

Is avian flu found in other animals besides birds and humans?
Yes, we know that pigs, tigers leopards, ferrets and domestic cats can get avian flu. In addition, the H5N1 virus also was found in a stone marten (a weasel-like animal) in Germany in March of 2006. It's possible that other mammals may be susceptible as well. So far, all infections among domestic cats have occurred in areas where there have been outbreaks among domestic poultry and wild birds. The cats are thought to have gotten the virus from of eating raw infected birds. Large cats kept in captivity who have gotten the virus also are thought to have become infected from eating infected raw meat, though there is some evidence that some tigers may have spread the virus to other tigers. There's no evidence to date that cats can spread the H5N1 virus to humans. And, as long as there's no H5N1 influenza in the United States, there's no risk to U.S. cats. In Europe, where the virus has been found, experts have recommended that cat owners living in infected areas keep domestic
cats indoors to prevent exposure to potentially infected birds.

What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of avian flu in humans have ranged from typical flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches, to eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases, and other severe and life-threatening complications.

Why is avian flu in humans cause for so much concern?

One of the main concerns about avian flu in humans stems from the fact that the disease is so rare in people. Our immune systems haven't been exposed to it, and therefore haven't been able to develop enough of an immune response to fight it. Unfortunately, as with all new diseases, the development of effective treatments takes time. The good news is that experts are making strides in developing a vaccine, and also have been studying the effectiveness of currently available antiviral drugs in treating avian flu.

Will my annual flu vaccine protect me from bird flu?
The short answer is no. Each year, flu vaccines are made to target specific strains of influenza that experts predict will be most virulent among humans in a given year. These human influenza viruses are not the same as the viruses that cause avian flu. Still, getting a yearly flu vaccination is important, especially for people in high-risk groups.

Is it safe to eat poultry?
Yes, there haven't been any cases of infected poultry in the United States. And, the U.S. government has taken steps to ban the import of birds or bird products from countries where avian flu has been detected. This includes eggs and other unprocessed poultry products. Still, it's important to remember to cook chicken, turkey or other poultry thoroughly. Cooking destroys germs, including the avian flu virus. It also is an important measure to prevent food poisoning. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers the following guidelines:
Wash hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds before and after handling food.
Keep raw poultry and its juices away from other foods.
Keep hands, utensils and surfaces such as cutting boards clean.
Use a food thermometer to ensure poultry has been fully cooked.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The difference

A teacher was asking her class
"What is the difference
between 'unlawful' and 'illegal'?" Only one hand shot up.
"Ok, answer, Joan," said the teacher.
"unlawful" is when u do something the law doesn't
allow and "ill-egal" is a sick eagle."

Saturday, September 30, 2006