Monday, May 18, 2009

Anger Management in ISLAM

Among the purposes and objectives of the exercise is fast
disyariatkannya holding lust anger (like anger). People capable of
holding anger better and more perfect than the people who like angry
(hotspur). And that was called a strong person.
He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "People are not that strong win in
wrestling but he is strong that is capable of holding anger lust."
(HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
In another narration, the hadith of Ibn Mas'ud radhiyallahu 'anhu
Rasulullah said: "Who said the most powerful among you? Friend said:
that is among our most powerful gulatnya. He said: Not so, but he is
the most powerful nafsunya control when angry. "(HR. Muslim)

Al-Imam Ahmad narrate hadith from Anas Al Juba'i that he Shalallahu
alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever is capable of holding him angry when
their capable, then the call of God on the Day of Resurrection from
the audience are being to choose which woman they want." (Ahmad HR.
with sanad hasan)

Al-Imam Ahmad also narrate hadith of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of
Allah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Your servant tegukan gulp a
major in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, out of anger because
gulp expect the face of God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala." (Hadits Ahmad shahih

Al-Imam Abu David rahimahullah issue is the meaning of the hadith of
the Prophet, that Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "It is a
servant holding anger because Subhanahu wa Ta'ala God except Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala akan meet for security and faith." (HR . sanad
with David Abu hasan)

Hadith-hadith explains this virtue to withstand the anger of angry
people that are easy / hotspur. From that, he Shalallahu alaihi
wasallam to make friends when he came on to ask the probate, he said
with the re-repeated: "Do not anger easily .." haditsnya Details are
as follows: "From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, that someone said
to Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam: Berwasiatlah to me. He said: Do
not be a hotheaded. Then re-repeated several times. And he said: Do
not be ill-natured people "(Al Bukhari HR.)

Al-Imam Ahmad rahimahullah someone narrate hadith from the Prophet's
Companions Shalallahu alaihi wasallam, he said, "I said: O Messenger
of Allah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam berwasiatlah to me. He said: do
not be huffy. Then someone said: then I think what he sabdakan, turns
on the nature of the ill-natured collected all evil. "(HR. Imam Ahmad)

Said Ibn Ja'far bin Muhammad rahimahullah: "angry all the ugliness of
the door."
Al-Imam Ahmad interpreted this hadith saying: a noble character is
left with the nature of ill-natured.
Imam Ibn Rajab al rahimahullah explains the meaning of this hadith
says: sabda Shalallahu Prophet alaihi wasallam: "Do not be crabbed."
This has two possible purposes:
1. This hadith contains commands to causes that make the character
behave like a noble gentle, shy, do not like to interrupt, pemaaf, not
easy to anger.
2. This hadith contains restrictions do things that cause anger, so
that the command contains a vengeance arise when angry / dealing with
it, so therefore, he will avoid the negative effects of ill-natured

So he Shalallahu alaihi wasallam mangajarkan way to anger and how to
avoid negative effects, including:

1. Reading ta'awudz marah.Al when Al-Imam Al-Imam Al-Bukhari and
Muslim narrate hadith from rahimakumullah Sulaiman bin Surod
radhiyallahu 'anhu: "There are two mutually reprove in the sight of
the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam, and we're sitting on the side
of the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam. One of them criticaster
lawannya with anger to redden face. So the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi
wasallam said: I will teach a spoken sentence that will be lost if all
that is therein. That is if he said: 'Audzubillahi minasy Syaithani
rrajiim. So they said to the angry earlier: Do not you hear what the
prophet disabdakan? He said: I am not a madman. "

2. With dudukApabila with ta'awudz anger has not been lost with the
disyariatkan sit, can not be berdiri.Al Imam Ahmad and Abu
rahimahullah David narrate hadith from Abu Dzar radhiyallahu 'anhu
that the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "If one of you in a
state of anger Sit up, if not lost then berbaringlah. "This is because
anger in the stands more likely to do evil and destruction than in the
sitting. While lying further from the sitting and standing.

3. Not bicaraDiam not speak when anger is a sure cure for the anger,
because a lot of talk in the temper can not be controlled so that the
drop in the discussion of disgraceful and dangerous to himself and
people lain.Dalam mentioned hadith: "When you blow between the
diamlah." He say the three. (HR. Ahmad)

4. BerwudhuSesungguhnya anger of the devil. And that Satan was created
from fire, the fire can be muted with the water, as well as the nature
of anger is muted with berwudhu.Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam
said: "Surely it's angry syaithan and syaithan is created from fire,
and fire is muted when the water between you berwudhulah angry. "(HR.
Ahmad and others with hasan sanad) The four have triggered anger, he
is capable of controlling Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala akan kept from
syetan and be saved from hell.

Said Al-Imam Al-Hasan Al Bashri rahimahullah: "Four things, he is
capable of mengedalikannya Allah akan keep from syetan and diharomkan
from hell: someone that is able to control when nafsunya wish, fear,
lust and anger."
Four this desire, namely, fear, lust and anger is triggered and all
the ugliness of the crime that is not capable of controlling the

1. Desire, lust is leaning on something believed to bring benefit to
the itself, often people who can not afford the appetite will exert
every effort to get it desires in any way even if I must with harom,
and sometimes also the desired form of something forbidden.

2. Fear, is fear of something. People will be anxious attempt to
reject it in any way although the way harom should like to request
protection other than God.

3. Lust, lust is leaning on something that is believed to satisfy
nafsunya. Often people with less nafsunya satisfy the appetite
syahwatnya on something haram like adultery, stealing, drinking khamer
even on something that causes kekufuran, kebid'ahan and hypocrisy.

4. Angry, is the heart blood gelagaknya to reject interference occurs
before or to reply to a disruption has occurred. Anger often is done
in the form of the forbidden acts such as murder, beatings and other
crimes that exceeds the limit. Sometimes in the form of a forbidden
word, such as false accusations, and the word dissolute criticaster
other and sometimes rises to the word kufur.Tetapi not blame all the
anger, there is a laudable, even at levels that should be angry when
we see God's religion be degraded and humiliated, then we should be
angry because God against perpetrators. He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam
never angry if only reproval is to the personality and he is very
angry when I saw or heard something that God the doghouse, he does not
dwell. He was angry and berbicara.Ketika Prophet alaihi wasallam see
Shalallahu netting house She no image being of his life (that is,
images winged horse) and a red face and he said: "Verily, the most
hard siksaannya on the Day of Resurrection is to make the image as
this image." (Al Bukhari HR. Muslim)

Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam also angry to be a friend of the
priest to pray and bacaannya too long and he ordered for
meringankannya. But he Shalallahu alaihi wasallam never angry because
of his personality.
Al Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim narrate hadith Anas radhiyallahu anhu:
"Anas help households Shalallahu alaihi wasallam Prophet for ten
years, then he never said to Anas:" Ah, "at all. He does not say over
what is done Anas: "Why are you doing this?" And to what does not is
Anas, "Do you not do so." (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim) That situation,
he always is in the top of both the angry and the situation in Ridha
not angry. And thus we should each always the truth when Ridha and
when angry.

He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: this means: "O Allah, I ask you to
speak the truth when angry and Ridha." (Hadits shahih history Nasa'i)

Al Imam Ath Thabari rahimahullah narrate hadith Anas: "Three things,
including moral faith that is: People who, if angry kemarahannya does
not enter into the vanity, if not happy kesenangannya the issue of
truth and if he was not able to do that he should not."

So must for every Muslim militancy put anger over what is allowed by
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, not to exceed the limits of what is
prohibited, so passionately and syahwatnya dragged to kemaksiatan,
moreover, to the hypocrisy disbelief.

This opportunity both to train ourselves to nature with the nature of
perfection and strive to be ill-natured person who does not anger
He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Fasting is not just withhold food
and drink. Indeed, the fasting (fasting is) the act of indecency and
futile. If there are people who mencelamu or membodohimu say: I am
currently fasting, I am being fast. "(HR. Ibn Huzaimah with sanad


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lose with Metromini Sopir, Isn't you?

By: agussyafii

A hot lunch in the noisy roar metromini add full throttle to make me
feel pengab. I sometimes enjoy the general rate of vehicles, traffic
jams and sometimes I can bertegur with fellow passengers. Not long to
hear the sound driver metromini, sesampai Kreo be in the driver
Metromini voice, 'Ucok, over .. over ..'

'I bang? kan dapet nih deposit we have not. "tanya Ucok, the kenek.

'We dhuhur prayer first, rizki kan Alloh the set. who after a prayer
we can rent a lot. " said driver pack.

Visible face kenek metromini shake head seems not to understand the
way pikirannya. kenek the head shake of a head can almost be
understood as a form of mind that urban communities continue to work
that does not know the word quit. Stop a moment of rest and worship
prayer run into luxury.

'Sopir antique, still had a day gini-sempatnya prayer .. not even
NGEJAR deposit'. so rough kenek metromini.

Hear rough sikenek this almost made me laugh. Laugh my self as if I
was keneknya. pursue deposit never finished and complete. This day is
done, other work accumulate. Prayer sometimes even end up with the
wife must remind SMS, 'Mas, prayer is not? "

Prayer to be able to run on time as a driver that requires strength
metromini a very extraordinary in itself, he must overcome the
carnality that called deposit. Terlintas in mind, 'The less I ama
driver metromini yak? can prayer earlier time? '

'Surely the most honorable of you in The Alloh is the most bertaqwa'.
(QS, al-Hujurat: paragraph 13)


Heaven and Hell Make a Lost Experiences Living in the World

by Ihsan Tandjung

God describes the life of this world as an amusement and games
stark. While the life of the Hereafter as a fact of life.
That is, God mengkondisikan we look to the world with a relaxed
not too serious. Because in this world does not have a situation
really can be happy or sad. In this world
there is no real success and unmitigated failure. Everything in
this world is fleeting aliases while. Sometimes someone happy sometimes
someone sad. Sometimes it works sometimes it fails. That the world
all sementaranya temperament.

Instead of life, life is a life hereafter
sincere. No people are happy in the Hereafter, for short time
only. And some are not experiencing pain while alone,
unless Allah willed than that.

"And never the life of this world but an amusement and play. And
Hereafter, it is indeed a fact of life, if they
to know. "(QS Al-Ankabut paragraph 64)

Ta'aala God willed that people look bertaqwa the Hereafter
with full seriousness of life because there will be sincere
humans. While the world against God willed ta'aala people bertaqwa
proportional only to be valid and not unduly ngoyo reach
success. For the life of this world as God ta'aala gambarkan
a place where people just play and bersenda joke.

However, in our lives these days most people are very serious
when matters concerning the life of the world. They were ready to
recruit staff,
mind, all the funds and time to reach out duniawinya success.
Meanwhile, when the affairs of the Hereafter they only recruit staff
and the rest of the time, money and minds side dime. If this happens
alias to the heathen do not believe we can certainly maklumi. But in
in the full time of defamation is not a little of our Muslim brothers
behave and see the world like berpacu seize the unbelievers. God
illustrates that the people who do not believe very concerned and understand
akan the material life of this world. However, they neglect and not
have any knowledge about the life of the Hereafter.

"They only know who was born (only) from the life of the world; are
about their (life) is the neglect of the Hereafter. "(QS ArRuum paragraph 7)

Friends of Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu 'anhu once said: "When
people meet one's fate, then that's when he got up from sleep. "
Surely he is right expression. For the future in the Hereafter, man will
akan menipunya realize how the experience of his life while in the world. Well
in the world while enjoying the fun and he was suffering.
Enjoyment of the world's very deceptive. Suffering duniapun deceive.

While human nature is in the Hereafter, then he will realize how
sejatinya life there. Kesenangannya intrinsic and penderitaannya
sincere. Heaven is not a delusion and a myth of the oldest in the
past. Similarly, hell, he is not a myth or just
ceirta-person stories of yore. Heaven and Hell are real things,
brother. So he shollallahu 'wa Sallam alaih describe
with the description of a very extreme contrast and about how
different experience of life in the mold that to deceive the world with life
sejati Life. Look carefully at the bottom of this hadith:

"On the day of Resurrection those who are most in favor of his life when
the world from the Fire. Then he dicelupkan to hell in a moment.
Then he asked: "O Children of Adam, did you see a
goodness, what a pleasure you feel? "Then he said:
"No, by Allah, my Rabb." And people are suffering the most
while living in the world of the inhabitants of Paradise. Then he dicelupkan in
Paradise moment. Then asked: "O Children of Adam, did you see
a difficulty, do you feel the misery? "And he
replied: "No, by Allah, my Rabb. I did not feel
any difficulty, and I did not see any hardship. "(HR
Muslim 5018)

Why when people ask God replied that he did not
see a good experience and a pleasure, when he is
people most in favor of his life when compared to the whole world
other people? The answer: because God has forced him to feel anguish
unmitigated hell-just-enough moment to make all ingatannya akan
false pleasure that he experienced while in the world so lost
ingatannya of course. Instead, why the second question when God
replied that he did not see a problem or feel
a trial, when he was the most difficult of his life while in the
the world than all other human beings? The answer: because God has
Allow him to feel true joy heaven-only-while sufficient to
akan ingatannya make all the suffering that he falsely natural
when lost in the world so it's ingatannya. Subhaanallah wa laa
haula wa laa quwwata illa billah ...!!!

Brother, indeed the life of the world is not very appropriate we made the
seizure event and the race. For the victors in the world in fact
winning is just a trick. Similarly, vice versa, losers in the world
only lose a trick. When people are in heaven and hell
Hereafter later, he sadarlah how the race naifnya seize success
this world than the real pleasure and the eternal heaven far
labih he should try and chase each other as closely as possible.
Sadarlah how he
lugunya in the world when he tried circumvent any of anguish and
ills of the world compared to the pure and eternal suffering of Hell
that much more worth it and try to avoid menjauh thereof.

Pantas gambarkan when God is that when faced with the torment of Hell
the unbelievers will wish that they can redeem themselves with the
any of the necessary, if they are able. Of course, at the time
that they are not able to and does not freeze.

"Those who disbelieve, if they had what
the earth and all who have any of that (also) to
redeem themselves with the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, shall (ransom
it) will not be accepted from them, and they receive a painful punishment. "
(QS Al-Maaidah paragraph 36)

O Allah, do not make the world's top goal and we limit
our knowledge. Amin ya Rabb .-

THe Resplendency of Mosque

To make the business from one company to another company or from one
building to another building is the usual case, the same as the
salesman who usually offer products from door kepintu or usually the
same as a taxi driver move from one location kelokasi others. In one
day we may be able to visit the ten places in order to search for
living or just bersilaturahim. Could be one of the relaxation is the
place that has not been visited in the past and for this favorite
place of every person is different from the others.

I am always impressed with the greatness of mosques in Jakarta in the
dressing-with ornaments ornaments typical middle east, there were even
a similar style roman. Just always have the funds to build the liturgy
is, what if there is not, ya should be held, although I have to
compete with the emptiness down roadside beggar. And while the mosque
has been standing magnificent, then turn on the pengemislah events
occupy a side-side mosque.

Some time ago, I went with friends to the school friend didaerah Tanah
Abang, when entering time zuhur our prayer menyempatkan in one of the
oldest mosque in Jakarta, which is located next to the land market's
brother. Mosque is never quiet visitors from both the local residents,
traders, buyers that are pedestrian and drop. Local residents who call
this place BAROKAH. If you want honest than Friday, taraweh in Ramadan
and prayer rooms ied the mosque at most only three shaf filled.

While this is not a willingness to build a mosque in imbangi with a
willingness meramaikannya, memakmurkannya. Development tersebutpun
mosque can not be separated from the calculation of profit and loss,
where it hopes to get a great reward for the mosque is still standing
even though in the end there is no longer the exception does not stand
on the contributor themselves.

Short meditation, Jakarta 11/05/09

The Damage Cost of War

American invasion to Iraq in 2003 was to send bad news not only for
millions of Iraqi civilians are now living up to the uproar in the
conflict or four U.S. soldiers, thousands of families who died in the
country sekujur the Abu Nawas. But also for U.S. citizens who have to
grope pocket - pay taxes - in order to finance the war that never have
that justification. President George Walker Bush - the war drum
menabuh - akan dikenang also as a president of the United States The
speck of blood. Apart from spend triliunan dollars, Bush has sent the
popularity of fall in the entire United States Jagad - even in the
countries of allies.

Pew Research Center survey said the war has changed dramatically in
the admiration of the United States. Admiration of the world in the
United States in 26 of 33 countries surveyed decreased. In 2007, that
admiration had fallen nine percent in Turkey and 29 percent in
Indonesia. Even in Canada, UK, Germany, and France, the belief in the
leadership of Vladimir Putin (Russian) beyond belief to the leadership
of Bush. More latest Pew survey shows, the U.S. presence in Iraq is
seen as a greater threat to world peace than North Korea.

United States is also no longer be trusted as a stronghold civil
rights and democracy. Approximately 65 percent of the people of
Germany, 66 percent people of Spain, and 67 percent people of Brazil,
for example, does not really matter to the American idea of democracy.
This figure is higher in the Palestinian (71 percent), Pakistan (72
percent) and Turkey (81 percent). Iraq war obviously throw dignity
USA. Not frustrated now citizens of the world always careful with the
idea that each ditelurkan land, including under President Barack
Husein Obama want to change the face of the police''the world''.

Books Joseph E Stiglitz and Linda J. Belmes is specifically excluded
the cost of investigating the U.S. and the Iraq war for the allies.
Costs borne by the Ministry of Finance and that means the U.S. must be
borne by taxpayers trilun between 1.7 to 2.7 trillion dollars. Added
social cost''substantially'', ie, costs that are not caught in the
federal government budget, but the fact that surely reflects the
burden of U.S. dipikul range between 300 billion to 400 billion U.S.
dollars. Total of 2 trillion to 3.1 trillion dollars. Same with the
12-year cost of war in Vietnam and two-fold compared with the cost of
war in Korea!

But with 1 billion dollars, the country can build 8 million housing
units, employ 15 million teachers throughout the year, to pay health
insurance for 530 million children a year, provides scholarships in
the four year 43 million students at state universities. Will be many
more benefits are obtained with a fund of U.S. 3 trillion dollars.

Wholesaler Nobel Economics 2001, Stiglitz and Bilmes, divides war
costs into two: the cost of war at this time and cost of future wars.
The cost at this time that have been issued increased from 4.4 billion
dollars (2003) to 16 billion dollars in 2008. Thus, every American
family has to spend 138 dollars every month to pay for war operations
and 100 dollars per month automatically flow to Iraq (hlm. 63). In
April 2009, the Barak Obama take the 83.4 million dollar fund for the
purpose of sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. According to
research by the U.S. Congress, the total expenditure for the war in
both countries is to become a trillion dollars since the U.S.
terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001.

Future war costs are calculated for the U.S. taxpayer billions of
dollars to the debtor of the veterans who are eligible receive
disability compensation, medical care and benefits. The estimated U.S.
troops in Iraq to stand in 2017, the cost for the troops will be 382
billion dollars. This is almost 200 billion dollars that Bush
requested for fiscal year 2008 operating and operating from 2009 until
2017. This scenario best. But, what if in 2017 the number of troops to
the battlefield diterjunkan in Iraq and Afghanistan - including
operations against Al Qaeda - to reach 2.1 million people? In this
scenario, the cost of the assignment troops reached 400 thousand
dollars per capita. While the total operating cost of the future will
be more than 913 billion dollars. From that amount, 669 billion
dollars for Iraq.

For example, veterans disability claims around 45 percent and 88
percent of the claims was granted in part, then there are 712,800 U.S.
troops claimed akan tunjangannya. The average payment in the Iraq War
veteran and Afghanistan War 542 dollars per month per person. Not a
veteran allowance cost of living adjustment equal to the social
security. Look

this data: in 2003 the Department of Veterans Affairs bears the cost
of the 13,800 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2008, already have
263,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan must ditanggungnya.

For the two-war veteran, the U.S. government should issue a 398
billion dollars (121 billion dollars for health care and 277 billion
dollars for disability benefits).

Membengkaknya cost of war is a combination of three factors. First,
the increasing cost of personnel - both U.S. troops or the labor
contract, the military (the military security service company).
Second, the rise in oil prices drastically. And third, the need
to''pay back''the general equipment and weaponry as the military
equipment can back up and go make a long war Pentagon must provide a
purchase that is not planned.

Matter of military security services company, Los Angeles Times
reporter T. Christian Miller in his book Blood Money also
mengungkapnya. According to Miller, the company is not even afford a
home mengumbar false promises, while the Coalition Government
appointed (CPA) and the Office Reconstruction and Humanitarian
Assistance (ORHA) - the representative of Government Bush - to use the
project as important and sensitive security services to enforce
reconstruction process in Iraq. However, the most eksesif is
Halliburton - a company that is close to Dick Cheney (Vice President
Bush at the time). Even Halliburton acapkali menggelembungkan charge
to the authority while the Coalition Government, including when
appointed to supply oil to Iraq, May 2003. When the Defense Energy
Support Center (Pentagon institute fuel) is able to import the fuel
needs of the military 1.08 dollars per gallon. Halliburton charge 2.68
dollars for every gallon of oil
the didatangkannya.

Stiglitz and Bilmes have suspected excess payments (read: corruption
aroma) to Halliburton. Not only that, get a Halliburton contract to
provide security services for many years, less than needed. Know if
this company never received a single contract that is worth 19.3
billion dollars. Until 2007, the U.S. department of foreign affairs
has spent 4 billion dollars for the security guards. And, the company
earnings, such as Blackwater and Dyncorp higher than sergeant of the
Army. Every day the security guards got 1222 dollars or 445 thousand
dollars a year. While the sergeant only 140-190 dollars per day or
51100-69350 dollars a year (hlm. 41-44). Something that does not
create a healthy competition. Corporate mendompleng war, not only
harming people but Iraq exhaust sac American taxpayer.

War will continue to take dollars as soon as possible if not stopped.
Not only that, a line of psychiatric problems haunt veteran of the
Iraq and Afghanistan. 2000 Survey of two war veterans find this
almost-third suffer interference pascatrauma stress (PTSD), major
depression, brain injury or a combination traumatik. The Rand
Corporation research even put about 300 thousand soldiers suffering
from PTSD or major depression, and 320 thousands have brain injuries
traumatik. Stiglitz and Bilmes, through the numbers that were
presented in our report that the war is really redundant. (*)

*) Moh Samsul Arifin, a member of Book and Film Club SCTV

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Joke > Why red Indian Names are Long?

A little Red Indian boy asked his father, the big chief and witch
doctor of the tribe, "Papa, why is it that we always have long
names,while the white men have shorter names - Bill, Tex or Sam, for

His father replied, "Look, son, our names represent a symbol, a sign,
or a poem for our culture --not like the white men, who repeat their
names from generation to generation. Also, it is part of our makeup
that in spite of everything, we survive.

For example, your sister's name is "Small Romantic Moon Over The
Lake",because on the night she was born, there was a beautiful moon
reflected in the lake.

Then there's your brother, "Big White Horse of the Prairies", because he
was born on a day that the big white horse who gallops over the
prairies of the world appeared near our camp and is a symbol of our
capacity to live and the life force of our people.

It's very simple and easy to understand.

Do you have any other questions, Little "Broken Condom Made in China" ?

Support for David Hartanto

"Action DAMAI polite-politely-intellectual"> support for David Hartanto

"Action DAMAI polite-politely-intellectual"
TEAM CARE CASE David Hartanto akan Peace Action at the Embassy of Singapore Kuningan
Action will be held on 5, 7, 12 May 2009. Intended to support the struggle of the verification team & family Ber-hearing with the Singapore Embassy.

"David Hartanto students who are studying at NTU in Singapore and died not fair on 2 April 2009. The family fought hard to ensure that this case can be decreased up to complete. David is a student achievement in national and international level. Ingenuity and achievement take the deceased to obtain scholarship from NTU Singapore. Prestasi alm. David Hartanto education in Indonesia should be valued. When the assets of the nation has ever fought is not it the name of the nation and threatened teraniaya people in the country, how its impact on the son-the son of a school outside? background above reasons we The Case of the team Peduli David Hartanto intend to Action DAMAI polite-politely-intellectual "Struggle reveal akan empty case on the fate of all life-Putra Putri Indonesia who went to school in the country now and long into the future. This is a symbol of the struggle of love in our lives every son of our daughter, the nation of Indonesia. 

  Therefore, it is expected the participation of colleagues in the form of fund-flowers-and consumption in the presence Volunter. 

Dress Code: BATIK

If you will struggle this temperamental, Contact Mary at Ine 08159090977 or 08170008344:)


Tim Peduli David Hartanto


please join this group: Investigate The Death of WIDJAJA DAVID thoroughly - thoroughly USUT death

Book Review : Rasulullah, Way of Managing People

He is a skilful leader and managers throughout the greatest
the history of humanity. Loaded with the wisdom of life that can be
be extracted from the various dimensions of life.

He is not only a messenger, but also a leader, manager
The most mumpuni, and the super in the world. Especially in
manage human resources to achieve the vision, mission and apostolic
he is a mercy for the happiness of the Worlds
world and the Hereafter.

The management of the real, the elements of management
can be developed, the principles of management developed by
He and the difference between a manager and leader, which is managed by
He at that time.

He is a figure described as leaders who have
managers powerful and strong leadership in the sense that for kemaslahatan
the life of the people and the natural balance of the system.

A teacher can manage the model in the Messenger of Allah
students. He evidently because management produce
students that such extraordinary Abu Bakr, Umar, and Ali Utsman.

Jendral a management model can be delivered in the Messenger of Allah
soldiers-such a great soldier Khalid bin Walid, commander of war
that there is no equal in the battlefield is the commander while Usamah
war termuda aged a dozen years.

A scientist can also imitate the birth of Rasulullah
scientists and thinkers of the ingenious, such Umar who is familiar with
ijtihadnya-examination of berilyan. Abu Hurairah with strength
hafalannya in the hadith, and Abdullah bin Umar, Abdullah
bin Mas'ud and Ibn Abbas, Ali and She is the experts
the famous law of Islam.

He has a unique management and interesting. Because the task
he as a prophet and messenger that can not be separated by
dakwah tasks. This makes the picture that he
have a big agenda in dakwahnya. Not be carried out
accident, all the planning.

He is also the human resources can be mapped based on the potential and
interest. There is a high potential but randah interest.
Or high interest but low potency. Or the most
severe, the potential and competence were low but in fact
He can manage the human resources so that the result

In this book also described how the achievement and performance
He manages in the large projects. At the start of
project improvement of mankind, cadre recruitment project, the project
family development, and project development cadres associated with the
employee career development theory.

U.S. scientist, Michael H Hart as he recognizes the achievements of leaders
bully the world. He not only succeeded in developing Islam,
but also to build peradabannya far beyond civilization
Persian and Roman.

The way he manages the human resources to create unique and interesting author
want mengkorelasikan with theories so that human resources can be
reference to the HRD can manage your employees and can be
konstribusi a large human resources in building the Muslim
the quality of a fair, prosperous, and prosperous. Rena
Anggraini / Erlan.

This review was published in the Sixth Edition Gozian-Vol.01
March 2009/Rabiul Rabiul Start-End 1430

Book Title: Rasulullah, Way of Managing People
Author: Haryanto
Publisher: Khalifa (Al-Kautsar Libraries Group)
Second printing
Pages: 292 pages