Monday, May 18, 2009

Anger Management in ISLAM

Among the purposes and objectives of the exercise is fast
disyariatkannya holding lust anger (like anger). People capable of
holding anger better and more perfect than the people who like angry
(hotspur). And that was called a strong person.
He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "People are not that strong win in
wrestling but he is strong that is capable of holding anger lust."
(HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
In another narration, the hadith of Ibn Mas'ud radhiyallahu 'anhu
Rasulullah said: "Who said the most powerful among you? Friend said:
that is among our most powerful gulatnya. He said: Not so, but he is
the most powerful nafsunya control when angry. "(HR. Muslim)

Al-Imam Ahmad narrate hadith from Anas Al Juba'i that he Shalallahu
alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever is capable of holding him angry when
their capable, then the call of God on the Day of Resurrection from
the audience are being to choose which woman they want." (Ahmad HR.
with sanad hasan)

Al-Imam Ahmad also narrate hadith of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of
Allah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Your servant tegukan gulp a
major in the sight of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, out of anger because
gulp expect the face of God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala." (Hadits Ahmad shahih

Al-Imam Abu David rahimahullah issue is the meaning of the hadith of
the Prophet, that Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "It is a
servant holding anger because Subhanahu wa Ta'ala God except Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala akan meet for security and faith." (HR . sanad
with David Abu hasan)

Hadith-hadith explains this virtue to withstand the anger of angry
people that are easy / hotspur. From that, he Shalallahu alaihi
wasallam to make friends when he came on to ask the probate, he said
with the re-repeated: "Do not anger easily .." haditsnya Details are
as follows: "From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, that someone said
to Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam: Berwasiatlah to me. He said: Do
not be a hotheaded. Then re-repeated several times. And he said: Do
not be ill-natured people "(Al Bukhari HR.)

Al-Imam Ahmad rahimahullah someone narrate hadith from the Prophet's
Companions Shalallahu alaihi wasallam, he said, "I said: O Messenger
of Allah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam berwasiatlah to me. He said: do
not be huffy. Then someone said: then I think what he sabdakan, turns
on the nature of the ill-natured collected all evil. "(HR. Imam Ahmad)

Said Ibn Ja'far bin Muhammad rahimahullah: "angry all the ugliness of
the door."
Al-Imam Ahmad interpreted this hadith saying: a noble character is
left with the nature of ill-natured.
Imam Ibn Rajab al rahimahullah explains the meaning of this hadith
says: sabda Shalallahu Prophet alaihi wasallam: "Do not be crabbed."
This has two possible purposes:
1. This hadith contains commands to causes that make the character
behave like a noble gentle, shy, do not like to interrupt, pemaaf, not
easy to anger.
2. This hadith contains restrictions do things that cause anger, so
that the command contains a vengeance arise when angry / dealing with
it, so therefore, he will avoid the negative effects of ill-natured

So he Shalallahu alaihi wasallam mangajarkan way to anger and how to
avoid negative effects, including:

1. Reading ta'awudz marah.Al when Al-Imam Al-Imam Al-Bukhari and
Muslim narrate hadith from rahimakumullah Sulaiman bin Surod
radhiyallahu 'anhu: "There are two mutually reprove in the sight of
the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam, and we're sitting on the side
of the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam. One of them criticaster
lawannya with anger to redden face. So the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi
wasallam said: I will teach a spoken sentence that will be lost if all
that is therein. That is if he said: 'Audzubillahi minasy Syaithani
rrajiim. So they said to the angry earlier: Do not you hear what the
prophet disabdakan? He said: I am not a madman. "

2. With dudukApabila with ta'awudz anger has not been lost with the
disyariatkan sit, can not be berdiri.Al Imam Ahmad and Abu
rahimahullah David narrate hadith from Abu Dzar radhiyallahu 'anhu
that the Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "If one of you in a
state of anger Sit up, if not lost then berbaringlah. "This is because
anger in the stands more likely to do evil and destruction than in the
sitting. While lying further from the sitting and standing.

3. Not bicaraDiam not speak when anger is a sure cure for the anger,
because a lot of talk in the temper can not be controlled so that the
drop in the discussion of disgraceful and dangerous to himself and
people lain.Dalam mentioned hadith: "When you blow between the
diamlah." He say the three. (HR. Ahmad)

4. BerwudhuSesungguhnya anger of the devil. And that Satan was created
from fire, the fire can be muted with the water, as well as the nature
of anger is muted with berwudhu.Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wasallam
said: "Surely it's angry syaithan and syaithan is created from fire,
and fire is muted when the water between you berwudhulah angry. "(HR.
Ahmad and others with hasan sanad) The four have triggered anger, he
is capable of controlling Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala akan kept from
syetan and be saved from hell.

Said Al-Imam Al-Hasan Al Bashri rahimahullah: "Four things, he is
capable of mengedalikannya Allah akan keep from syetan and diharomkan
from hell: someone that is able to control when nafsunya wish, fear,
lust and anger."
Four this desire, namely, fear, lust and anger is triggered and all
the ugliness of the crime that is not capable of controlling the

1. Desire, lust is leaning on something believed to bring benefit to
the itself, often people who can not afford the appetite will exert
every effort to get it desires in any way even if I must with harom,
and sometimes also the desired form of something forbidden.

2. Fear, is fear of something. People will be anxious attempt to
reject it in any way although the way harom should like to request
protection other than God.

3. Lust, lust is leaning on something that is believed to satisfy
nafsunya. Often people with less nafsunya satisfy the appetite
syahwatnya on something haram like adultery, stealing, drinking khamer
even on something that causes kekufuran, kebid'ahan and hypocrisy.

4. Angry, is the heart blood gelagaknya to reject interference occurs
before or to reply to a disruption has occurred. Anger often is done
in the form of the forbidden acts such as murder, beatings and other
crimes that exceeds the limit. Sometimes in the form of a forbidden
word, such as false accusations, and the word dissolute criticaster
other and sometimes rises to the word kufur.Tetapi not blame all the
anger, there is a laudable, even at levels that should be angry when
we see God's religion be degraded and humiliated, then we should be
angry because God against perpetrators. He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam
never angry if only reproval is to the personality and he is very
angry when I saw or heard something that God the doghouse, he does not
dwell. He was angry and berbicara.Ketika Prophet alaihi wasallam see
Shalallahu netting house She no image being of his life (that is,
images winged horse) and a red face and he said: "Verily, the most
hard siksaannya on the Day of Resurrection is to make the image as
this image." (Al Bukhari HR. Muslim)

Prophet Shalallahu alaihi wasallam also angry to be a friend of the
priest to pray and bacaannya too long and he ordered for
meringankannya. But he Shalallahu alaihi wasallam never angry because
of his personality.
Al Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim narrate hadith Anas radhiyallahu anhu:
"Anas help households Shalallahu alaihi wasallam Prophet for ten
years, then he never said to Anas:" Ah, "at all. He does not say over
what is done Anas: "Why are you doing this?" And to what does not is
Anas, "Do you not do so." (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim) That situation,
he always is in the top of both the angry and the situation in Ridha
not angry. And thus we should each always the truth when Ridha and
when angry.

He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: this means: "O Allah, I ask you to
speak the truth when angry and Ridha." (Hadits shahih history Nasa'i)

Al Imam Ath Thabari rahimahullah narrate hadith Anas: "Three things,
including moral faith that is: People who, if angry kemarahannya does
not enter into the vanity, if not happy kesenangannya the issue of
truth and if he was not able to do that he should not."

So must for every Muslim militancy put anger over what is allowed by
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, not to exceed the limits of what is
prohibited, so passionately and syahwatnya dragged to kemaksiatan,
moreover, to the hypocrisy disbelief.

This opportunity both to train ourselves to nature with the nature of
perfection and strive to be ill-natured person who does not anger
He Shalallahu alaihi wasallam said: "Fasting is not just withhold food
and drink. Indeed, the fasting (fasting is) the act of indecency and
futile. If there are people who mencelamu or membodohimu say: I am
currently fasting, I am being fast. "(HR. Ibn Huzaimah with sanad


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