Thursday, May 14, 2009

Heaven and Hell Make a Lost Experiences Living in the World

by Ihsan Tandjung

God describes the life of this world as an amusement and games
stark. While the life of the Hereafter as a fact of life.
That is, God mengkondisikan we look to the world with a relaxed
not too serious. Because in this world does not have a situation
really can be happy or sad. In this world
there is no real success and unmitigated failure. Everything in
this world is fleeting aliases while. Sometimes someone happy sometimes
someone sad. Sometimes it works sometimes it fails. That the world
all sementaranya temperament.

Instead of life, life is a life hereafter
sincere. No people are happy in the Hereafter, for short time
only. And some are not experiencing pain while alone,
unless Allah willed than that.

"And never the life of this world but an amusement and play. And
Hereafter, it is indeed a fact of life, if they
to know. "(QS Al-Ankabut paragraph 64)

Ta'aala God willed that people look bertaqwa the Hereafter
with full seriousness of life because there will be sincere
humans. While the world against God willed ta'aala people bertaqwa
proportional only to be valid and not unduly ngoyo reach
success. For the life of this world as God ta'aala gambarkan
a place where people just play and bersenda joke.

However, in our lives these days most people are very serious
when matters concerning the life of the world. They were ready to
recruit staff,
mind, all the funds and time to reach out duniawinya success.
Meanwhile, when the affairs of the Hereafter they only recruit staff
and the rest of the time, money and minds side dime. If this happens
alias to the heathen do not believe we can certainly maklumi. But in
in the full time of defamation is not a little of our Muslim brothers
behave and see the world like berpacu seize the unbelievers. God
illustrates that the people who do not believe very concerned and understand
akan the material life of this world. However, they neglect and not
have any knowledge about the life of the Hereafter.

"They only know who was born (only) from the life of the world; are
about their (life) is the neglect of the Hereafter. "(QS ArRuum paragraph 7)

Friends of Ali bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu 'anhu once said: "When
people meet one's fate, then that's when he got up from sleep. "
Surely he is right expression. For the future in the Hereafter, man will
akan menipunya realize how the experience of his life while in the world. Well
in the world while enjoying the fun and he was suffering.
Enjoyment of the world's very deceptive. Suffering duniapun deceive.

While human nature is in the Hereafter, then he will realize how
sejatinya life there. Kesenangannya intrinsic and penderitaannya
sincere. Heaven is not a delusion and a myth of the oldest in the
past. Similarly, hell, he is not a myth or just
ceirta-person stories of yore. Heaven and Hell are real things,
brother. So he shollallahu 'wa Sallam alaih describe
with the description of a very extreme contrast and about how
different experience of life in the mold that to deceive the world with life
sejati Life. Look carefully at the bottom of this hadith:

"On the day of Resurrection those who are most in favor of his life when
the world from the Fire. Then he dicelupkan to hell in a moment.
Then he asked: "O Children of Adam, did you see a
goodness, what a pleasure you feel? "Then he said:
"No, by Allah, my Rabb." And people are suffering the most
while living in the world of the inhabitants of Paradise. Then he dicelupkan in
Paradise moment. Then asked: "O Children of Adam, did you see
a difficulty, do you feel the misery? "And he
replied: "No, by Allah, my Rabb. I did not feel
any difficulty, and I did not see any hardship. "(HR
Muslim 5018)

Why when people ask God replied that he did not
see a good experience and a pleasure, when he is
people most in favor of his life when compared to the whole world
other people? The answer: because God has forced him to feel anguish
unmitigated hell-just-enough moment to make all ingatannya akan
false pleasure that he experienced while in the world so lost
ingatannya of course. Instead, why the second question when God
replied that he did not see a problem or feel
a trial, when he was the most difficult of his life while in the
the world than all other human beings? The answer: because God has
Allow him to feel true joy heaven-only-while sufficient to
akan ingatannya make all the suffering that he falsely natural
when lost in the world so it's ingatannya. Subhaanallah wa laa
haula wa laa quwwata illa billah ...!!!

Brother, indeed the life of the world is not very appropriate we made the
seizure event and the race. For the victors in the world in fact
winning is just a trick. Similarly, vice versa, losers in the world
only lose a trick. When people are in heaven and hell
Hereafter later, he sadarlah how the race naifnya seize success
this world than the real pleasure and the eternal heaven far
labih he should try and chase each other as closely as possible.
Sadarlah how he
lugunya in the world when he tried circumvent any of anguish and
ills of the world compared to the pure and eternal suffering of Hell
that much more worth it and try to avoid menjauh thereof.

Pantas gambarkan when God is that when faced with the torment of Hell
the unbelievers will wish that they can redeem themselves with the
any of the necessary, if they are able. Of course, at the time
that they are not able to and does not freeze.

"Those who disbelieve, if they had what
the earth and all who have any of that (also) to
redeem themselves with the punishment of the Day of Resurrection, shall (ransom
it) will not be accepted from them, and they receive a painful punishment. "
(QS Al-Maaidah paragraph 36)

O Allah, do not make the world's top goal and we limit
our knowledge. Amin ya Rabb .-

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